옴시디언 사용법 정리

옴시디언 사용법 정리


Style Syntax Example Output
Bold ** ** or __ __ **Bold text** Bold text
Italic * * or _ _ *Italic text* Italic text
Strikethrough ~~ ~~ ~~Striked out text~~ Striked out text
Highlight == == ==Highlighted text== Highlighted text
Bold and nested italic ** ** and _ _ **Bold text and _nested italic_ text** Bold text and nested italic text
Bold and italic *** *** or ___ ___ ***Bold and italic text*** Bold and italic text

Human beings face ever more complex and urgent problems, and their effectiveness in dealing with these problems is a matter that is critical to the stability and continued progress of society.

Inline code

You can format code within a sentence using single backticks.

Text inside `backticks` on a line will be formatted like code.

This is Hello World Hello World

If you want to link to an external URL, you can create an inline link by surrounding the link text in brackets ([ ]), and then the URL in parentheses (( )).

[Obsidian Help](https://help.obsidian.md)

Obsidian supports the following link formats:

If your URL contains blank spaces, you need to escape them by replacing them with %20.

[My Note](obsidian://open?vault=MainVault&file=My%20Note.md)

You can also escape the URL by wrapping it with angled brackets (< >).

[My Note](<obsidian://open?vault=MainVault&file=My Note.md>)

You can link to specific headings in notes, also known as anchor links.

To link to a heading, add a hashtag (#) at the end of the link destination, followed by the heading text.

For example, [[Three laws of motion#Second law]].

You can add multiple hashtags for each subheading.

For example, [[My note#Heading 1#Heading 2]].

External images

You can add images with external URLs, by adding a ! symbol before an external link.


Task lists

To create a task list, start each list item with a hyphen and space followed by [ ].

- [x] This is a completed task.
- [ ] This is an incomplete task.

You can use any character inside the brackets to mark it as complete.

- [x] Milk
- [?] Eggs
- [-] Eggs


You can add footnotes to your notes using the following syntax:

This is a simple footnote[^1].

[^1]: This is the referenced text.
[^2]: Add 2 spaces at the start of each new line.
  This lets you write footnotes that span multiple lines.
[^note]: Named footnotes still appear as numbers, but can make it easier to identify and link references.


> [!info]
> Here's a callout block.
> It supports **Markdown**, Wikilinks, and embeds!
> ![[og-image.png]]

Here's a callout block.
It supports MarkdownWikilinks and embeds!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Can callouts be nested?

Yes!, they can.

You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

Title-only callout

Foldable callouts

You can make a callout foldable by adding a plus (+) or a minus (-) directly after the type identifier.

A plus sign expands the callout by default, and a minus sign collapses it instead.


Embed a PDF in a note

To embed a PDF:


You can also open a specific page in the PDF, by adding #page=N to the link destination, where N is the number of the page:


You can also specify the height in pixels for the embedded PDF viewer, by adding #height=[number] to the link. For example:


Embed note with block identifier

Embed list

- list item 1
- list item 2
{ #my-list-id}

Then link to the list using the block identifier:

![[My note#^my-list-id]]

Embed file(#^)

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." by James Clear
{ #quote-of-the-day}

Now you can instead link to the block by typing [[NoteName#^quote-of-the-day]].

유용한 글

13화 옵시디언(Obsidian)을 활용하여 메모 모아 글쓰기 (brunch.co.kr)



Syntax Description
- [ ] Unchecked
- [x] Checked
- [>] Rescheduled
- [<] Scheduled
- [!] Important
- [-] Cancelled
- [/] In Progress
- [?] Question
- [*] Star
- [n] Note
- [l] Location
- [i] Information
- [I] Idea
- [S] Amount
- [p] Pro
- [c] Con
- [b] Bookmark
- ["] Quote
- [0] Speech bubble 0
- [1] Speech bubble 1
- [2] Speech bubble 2
- [3] Speech bubble 3
- [4] Speech bubble 4
- [5] Speech bubble 5
- [6] Speech bubble 6
- [7] Speech bubble 7
- [8] Speech bubble 8
- [9] Speech bubble 9